SAFE LIFE is a dynamic, modern company with a high degree of competence and a vast amount of experience.
We are intensively concerned with the subject of “financial provision for the future”.
From the original insurance for the risk of fire has developed a versatile international insurance group. Insurance, financial services and real estate fields of expertise GRAWE Group. From its origins of supplying reliable fire insurance to the populous until its current position today as a versatile international insurance group, the GRAWE group can proudly offer services in the areas of insurance, financial services and real estate.
Thirteen insurance companies of Central and Southeast Europe are proof of the international orientation. The stability and the high position in the insurance market are a reflection of the successful business that lasts for more than 180 years. The GRAWE Group ranks as one of the largest Austrian insurance companies, with over 4 million insurance contracts and with an annual influx of premiums in excess of 750 million euros.
The financial stability of the GRAWE group is reflected in its equity value, which is far above the market average, and reflects its conservative approach to investment policy. Entrusted client funds are mainly invested in real estate, bonds or mortgages, and only a small amount is used on stock market and share speculation. Based on the relation of capital and commitments, GRAWE is one of the most constant insurance companies. When determining the Company’s assets, the GRAWE group remains consistent to its conservative approach and evaluates assets by the strict lower value principle rule.
We provide our clients with the security that enables them to comfortably and securely view their future.
Insecurity and instability in the financial markets are factors that make it difficult to invest money safely for the future. The predicted decline in pension payments and the increase in unemployment increases the uncertainty of the clients. Our products perfectly meet the requirements for a secure financial future. As everybody is unique, we have created a broad product portfolio that is custom made to meet every client’s unique specific needs and expectations and that will provide the best solutions for each customer. Our products combine financial stability and long term security for our clients. These values are immensely important to us.
Providing a quality product is of paramount importance for any business, but it is particularly relevant for the financial services sector, an area which has seen a high increase of offered services and a strong development in the promotion of such services. Insurance companies and banks adjust rapidly to any of these new developments and are extremely creative in the conceiving of new products. It is thereby becoming ever more difficult for customers to maintain a clear overview of what the market offers. We see it as our task to assist and advise our customers and in providing clarity and transparency. Our SAFE LIFE specialists are able to provide you with support in the following areas:
– Life Insurance
– Security Evaluation for cases of invalidity and/or illness
– Pension Scheme Evaluation
– Accident Insurance
SAFE LIFE has its main client base in Central and Eastern Europe and we believe that our understanding of our clients wishes and general requirements would be a beneficial service that we should offer to the residents of all countries.
Our expertise in the insurance and financial sectors allows us to advise our clients on how they can secure the best solution for their future, as well as giving competent, sound advice when choosing long term investments and life insurance. Our goal is to provide our clients with a clear unbiased picture of their pension plans and to supply them with a competent personalised pension agenda.
Achievement and success deserve recognition and are rewarded.
We supply committed people the opportunity of professionally utilising their sales and business skills within the framework of a dynamic career system. We prepare our employees for their future tasks in a highly professional way. The combination of mixing theory with practice and experience is the essence of our education. The quality and competence of our employees is important to us because they are a significant investment in our future.
Knowledge exchange among all of our employees is a major element of our training and is massively important to us. Our employees learn from the best! This makes it possible to give people the chance to achieve an extraordinary career.
Our employee principles and values:
- We concentrate on our core competences
- We apply our many years’ experience and unique expertise
- Reliability, propriety and honesty are integral to our approach
- We promote cooperation through intensive communication
- We strive for the highest professionalism
- We ensure high quality through intensive training
- Achievement and success deserve recognition and are rewarded
Our Vision is to have satisfied and successful employees!
Would you like to be part of our team? Ask us about vacancies:
Team Graz

Susanne Weiser BA MA
General Manager
Marketing & Sales, Human Resources, IT

Mag. Peter Hronovsky, MSc, MBA
General Manager
Business Development & International law

MMag. Wolfgang Prasch
General Manager
Accounting & Finance

Julija Rass
Marketing Manager
Visual communication & Events

Marija Župarić
Sales Assistant
Marketing & Sales support
SAFE LIFE is an international agency and operates successfull in 8 countries. Head office is located in Austria, Graz
Contact us
SafeLife Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH
Schörgelgasse 10/1
8010 Graz
Company resgistration Number 377444s
Regional Court of Graz